June 27, 2024

The Rose

    The Rose

    The rose perched
    upon a green stem
    lifts its face to the sun.

    The frilly petals unfurled
    rimmed in red and pink
    and within the folds
    dew drops glisten.

    A sight to behold
    rendered in paint
    upon the canvas.

The Ravens Perch
May 2024

May 25, 2024


Autumn's Arrival
(mixed media)
7" x 5"

Donated to PAE24
To benefit "MillHouse Foundation"
McKinney, Texas
Opening Exhibition and Sale, Sep 21 - Oct 10, 2024

(Formally TAE)

May 18, 2024



    The poem went away
    And did not look back.
    — James Still

    Some might think
    it is writer’s block,
    but it’s not that words
    will not come,
    instead they come
    and then drift away
    lost somewhere between
    then and now.

Dan Hardison

The Wise Owl
May 17, 2024

April 20, 2024

Two Poems


    Whispering winds of spring,
    rustling leaves of summer,
    the ground crunching in autumn,
    and the clatter of bare branches in winter –
    a world of earthly sounds
    beckoning of the land and seasons.

    In Winter Light

    Absent now the vibrant
    and earthy colors of autumn
    winter offers swirling shapes
    and sparkling transformations,
    feathery patterns in streams,
    and glossy suspended icicles,
    silvery heads of field grasses
    and beads of water frozen –
    monochromatic patterns
    on a frosted morning.

Dan Hardison

The Wise Owl
April 2024

April 7, 2024


My book Quietude is now available from Lulu Press.

"In this collection Dan Hardison combines words and images following the Japanese haiga – a combination of image and poem where one compliments the other. The writing in this collection was selected from a ten-year period beginning in 2009 when he had his first poem published and is fully illustrated using his photographs. The work included has appeared in print and online journals, and anthologies, some in slightly different form. These include Contemporary Haibun Online, Cattails, Daily Haiga, and Frogpond; plus past journals Simply Haiku, Haigaonline, South by Southeast, Magnapoets, Sketchbook, and moonset."

By Dan Hardison
Published by Lulu Press.
2024, Paperback, 148 pages
ISBN: 9781304664990

Read Sample